
Your First Appointment

What to expect during your first few appointments with CARE Fertility

Your first telehealth consultation

Your first appointment will take place remotely over Zoom, or by a regular phone call if you prefer. It’s ideal if your partner can be with you for the consultation.

Prior to your initial telehealth consultation 

  • Complete the medical history form, sent by our new patient scheduler, at least two business days prior to your consultation. This allows time for your physician to review your story prior to your consultation.

  • Obtain past fertility records, if possible.

Prepare for your Zoom visit

  • Make a list of questions you would like answered. 

  • Spend time on our website to learn about treatments and our clinic.

During the video conference

  • Be prepared to answer questions regarding your medical and reproductive history. 

  • We will discuss any prior pregnancies, medical problems, surgeries, menstrual patterns, pelvic pain, prior evaluation and treatment for infertility, and your partner’s history.

 After the Zoom visit

  • One of our financial counselors will call you after your visit to discuss insurance coverage and cost.

  • Our front office staff will help you schedule your first in-person appointment.

  • Check your mailbox over the next few days following your visit for helpful information.

Your first onsite visit with a CARE Fertility physician

Your initial appointment does not need to be scheduled at any particular time of the menstrual cycle.

We require all patients, partners, staff, and physicians to wear a mask at our clinic at all times regardless of vaccination status.

During your first onsite visit

  • A full physical examination will be performed by your physician. This includes a pelvic exam and a transvaginal ultrasound to evaluate the size and shape of the uterus and ovaries. The ultrasound helps identify anatomical causes of infertility like polyps, scar tissue, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids. The ultrasound also allows us to assess your “egg count” or egg reserve.

  • Routine blood work can also be done at this time, which includes screening for infectious disease and prenatal labs. Frequently your AMH level (blood test to look at your egg count) is drawn at this visit. 

If you have not had a genetic carrier screening test, we recommend this simple test to determine if you carry a gene for certain genetic disorders. Click here to learn more about this easy process. 

Getting your personalized treatment plan

Typically after 2 in-person visits, your physician will schedule a Zoom or phone consultation with you to discuss treatment options. After that call, the rest of our CARE Fertility team will talk with you to help you begin your personalized fertility journey.

See pricing information for Initial Consultation →