
Are You Struggling With These Signs and Symptoms of PCOS?

Sep 10, 2024
Do you struggle with weight loss? Do you have unpredictable periods? These, in addition to fertility challenges, can be signs of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Learn about other common signs and symptoms of PCOS so you can talk to your doctor.

Despite affecting nearly 15% of women, most don’t know they have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) until they struggle to get pregnant. PCOS is a hormone disorder that affects the ovaries, causing an abnormally high production of androgens (male sex hormones).

At CARE Fertility in Bedford and Fort Worth, Texas, our team specializes in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. We help people with PCOS improve their chances of pregnancy through the use of assisted reproductive technologies, such as IUI or IVF. 

Getting an early PCOS diagnosis may prevent or reduce the risk of infertility. Here, we share some of the signs and symptoms of PCOS so you can reach out for help sooner.

Irregular period

Do you have difficulty predicting your periods? PCOS leads to an overproduction of  androgens (such as testosterone). This hormonal imbalance affects ovulation and the signals that orchestrate the menstrual cycle.

If your period is unpredictable, if you have fewer than eight periods a year, or if it's been months since your last period and you’re not pregnant, schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss causes like PCOS.

Oily skin and acne

Androgens are the hormones responsible for acne during puberty. They cause the oil glands to enlarge and overproduce oil, leading to acne. 

Oily skin and acne affect people of all ages, and it isn’t a symptom you may associate with a gynecological condition. But if you’re past puberty and have outbreaks on your back and chest, it may be a sign of PCOS.

Abnormal hair growth

Excessive hair growth and the face, chest, and back is another symptom of PCOS. This is called hirsutism. Androgens are responsible for the abnormal hair growth that occurs in PCOS. 

Difficulty managing weight

Many people struggle to manage their weight, and it may not set you on alert that the difficulty is due to PCOS. But unexpected weight gain and trouble losing weight are common in people with PCOS.  

Dark patches of skin

Do you have dark, thick patches of skin on your neck, under your breasts, or between the legs near your groin? The dark skin is called acanthosis nigricans. This can be a sign of insulin resistance or pre-diabetes and is common in patients with PCOS. 

Struggling to get pregnant

The hormonal changes with PCOS affect the menstrual cycle and ovulation, making it harder to get pregnant. With 1 in 8 women impacted by PCOS, it is one of the most common causes of female infertility. 

Treatment for PCOS varies and depends on symptoms, other health issues, and your pregnancy plans. 

If you’re struggling to get pregnant and have any of the symptoms mentioned above, we can help. We perform thorough exams and utilize diagnostic tests to find the cause of your pregnancy issues and create a targeted plan.

Call CARE Fertility today at the office nearest you or request an appointment online.